Java Developer Average Salary in the United States [2023]

If you are looking for the Java developer's average salary in the United States, then you have landed in the right place. The average salary of an entry-level Java developer in the United States is 65.7K$ per annum whereas for an experienced Java developer the average pay is 103K$ per annum. Let's dive deep into the topic:

Java Developer Average Salary in the United States [2023]

According to Indeed, the average base salary of a Java Developer is 111,227$ per year in the United States. Java developers also get on average 6000$ cash bonus.

Below is the graph of the United States where:

1. Green indicates the states of the USA where the Java developer salary is greater than the average base salary of 111,227$.

2. Yellow indicates the states of the USA where the Java developer salary is almost equal to the average base salary.

3. Red indicates the states of the USA where the Java developer salary is less than the average base salary.

4. White indicates no data is available.

Java developer average salary in the United States

A Java developer’s salary depends on several factors:

1. Experience
2. Location
3. Company

1. Java Developer Salary with Experience

Below is the average salary of a Java developer with experience in the United States:

ExperienceAverage Base Pay/yr (USD)
0-1 year of experience65.7K$
1-4 years of experience78.1K$
5-9 years of experience103K$
10-19 years of experience130K$
20+ years of experience150K$

Java developer average salary with experience in United States

2. Java Developer Salary with Location

5 Best Paid Cities for Java Developers in the United States

Given below are the top 5 best-paid cities for Java Developers in the United States

New YorkNew York
San AntonioTexas

5 Best Paid Cities for Java Developer in the United States

3. Java Developer Salary Based on Companies

Java Developers salary also depends upon the Company. The below table provides the salaries given by the Company to a Java Developer:

CompanyAverage Pay Per Year

Openings for Java Developers based on Salary in the United States

Openings or Jobs for Java Developers based on Salary in the United States are shown below in the pie chart:


Openings based on Salary in United States

Other Similar Professions Salary in the United States

We know that a Java developer's average salary is 111,227$ per year in the United States. Let's see other similar profession's average salaries in the United States:

ProfessionAverage Base Pay/yr (USD)
Full Stack Developer101914$
Software Engineer124988$
Backend Developer119449$
Frontend Developer102406$
Application Developer81124$

Other Professions average salary in the UnitedStates

That's all for today. Please mention in the comments if you have any thoughts regarding the Java developer's average salary in the United States.

1. Indeed

About The Author

Subham Mittal has worked in Oracle for 3 years.
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